1. The man that got killed by a subway was pushed my a random person and the photographer rushed and pulled out his camera just to take that picture.
2. The photographer said that he took the picture to worn the subway driver to stop with the flash on his camera.
3. Honestly, I don't think he should've because you just took a photo over saving someones life.
4. No, he didn't do the best thing he could have done in that situation because I would rather save someones life then to take a picture of someone dying.
5. I really don't believe they should of put that picture of someone about to die on the head of the New York Times, this i just foul and cruel.
6. The most important thing is to prevent people from getting hurt and to stop bad things from happening.
7. I think it is ethically acceptable because it is your right to do whatever fells right and the photographer should be getting into the things they are recording/documenting.
8. No, they shouldn't avoid them because they are now a part of something that is involved with their job/duties.
9. What stands out to me the most is the sides that those photographers were taking by saying he isn't the only one that could've helped.
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